I knew very little about leadership, or what it truly meant until I ventured into a library many years ago. I pulled a book from the biography shelf that seemed interesting. That book was written by a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, Gerald Coffee. "Beyond Survival-Building on the Hard...
Month: February 2023
Finger Pointing Phase
Accountability is a key component to leadership, but placing the blame on others for failure has become commonplace in today's society. You need look no further than our elected officials if you doubt what I am saying. I have always felt that political candidates are fantastic people when they're running...
The Leadership Vacuum
There are some amazing leaders out there, but finding them is becoming more difficult as time passes. I have worked in the public and private sectors for decades, and I've witnessed the best and the worst during my journey. If you have been in the workforce for any period of...
The Unexpected Leader
Every now and then an individual enters your life and you just know that they’re special. You can’t put your finger on it, but they possess traits that draw you to them. They aren’t superheroes and they’re just humans, but they have certain traits that you aspire to possess yourself....